22 Jan Rotator Cuff Dysfunction
Did you know, rotator cuff tears are most common in construction workers, and in athletes (predominantly tennis, golf, basketball & swimming).
In this video, Mason explains what rotator cuff dysfunction is, and gives an example of an exercise for rotator cuff dysfunction.
If you feel you may have rotator cuff dysfunction, book an appointment with Mason. Physiotherapy appointments are ideal for assessment and correction of rotator cuff dysfunction.
In this video, Mason explains what rotator cuff dysfunction is and gives an example of an exercise for rotator cuff dysfunction. Did you know, rotator cuff tears are most common in construction workers, and in athletes (predominantly tennis, golf, basketball & swimming). If you feel you may have rotator cuff dysfunction, book an appointment with Mason. Physiotherapy appointments are ideal for assessment and correction of rotator cuff dysfunction. https://bookings.ppmp.com.au/Booking?ver=Jg7X%2FyjsptqIbrM18jrsm1dsfRvkgTSbqVAA7iHnTye3OFuO0RLjrsmbfpfjkuCx79VqFG36Q7i67xtVM1jGaEbHDbCw%3D%3D&hasRedirected=True&hasOpenNewTab=True¤tTabID=414bdeda-f6ea-164c-bde0-08eac254b2b9
Posted by Redcliffe Physiotherapy on Monday, 20 January 2020